Monday, November 07, 2005
Good evening.
Well, not a heck of a lot to tell.
Watched the "Debate" on West Wing. Still can't really decide whom I want to win.
As a democrat I want the Jimmy Smits character to win..But I am a big Alan Alda fan and want him to win. Oh well they wouldn't listen to me anyway.. lol
Election time coming up here but only race is a couple of city council seats. One guy I know and hope he wins.
got almost all the leaves raked out of the yard. Now just have to wait to put them in the street at the end of the week.
Got some dang mice in the house. they chewed up 4 packages of top roman noodles and left their dang calling cards all over the shelves where we store our food in the basement. ick.. so put a mouse trap downstairs with p.b on it.. hope it catches it.. but afraid there be more than one.
we need a cat but mom is allergic to it.. not really allergic but can complicate her COPD symptoms. and Little bit doesn't go to the basement or would chase anything anyway.

Watched the "Debate" on West Wing. Still can't really decide whom I want to win.
As a democrat I want the Jimmy Smits character to win..But I am a big Alan Alda fan and want him to win. Oh well they wouldn't listen to me anyway.. lol
Election time coming up here but only race is a couple of city council seats. One guy I know and hope he wins.
got almost all the leaves raked out of the yard. Now just have to wait to put them in the street at the end of the week.
Got some dang mice in the house. they chewed up 4 packages of top roman noodles and left their dang calling cards all over the shelves where we store our food in the basement. ick.. so put a mouse trap downstairs with p.b on it.. hope it catches it.. but afraid there be more than one.
we need a cat but mom is allergic to it.. not really allergic but can complicate her COPD symptoms. and Little bit doesn't go to the basement or would chase anything anyway.