Thursday, December 29, 2005
howdy hoo good neighbors

Much more improvement on my Brother's part much to everyones joy.
Now just to keep him healthy.
It really warmed up here this week and the snow is all gone byebye but maybe start snowing again this weekend.
Pickles the dill master was the name on a chat board I visit.
Only 2 more days left of the year.
Christmas was lousy but at least my brother is getting better.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Well as of now they took my brother off of the balloon pump and his Stats were good so hopefully he'll continue to get better.
It's been so scary. He is the one brother that lives here that can help me with mom. My big brother lives about 11 miles away and I could probably call him if need but Dave was the one I most count on.
NASTY drive to Spokane to see him then I couldn't go see him because he wasn't up to visitors. Hopefully tomorrow he'll be up for more visits. but don't think I'll head back until he's much more intune to visitors.
It's been so scary. He is the one brother that lives here that can help me with mom. My big brother lives about 11 miles away and I could probably call him if need but Dave was the one I most count on.
NASTY drive to Spokane to see him then I couldn't go see him because he wasn't up to visitors. Hopefully tomorrow he'll be up for more visits. but don't think I'll head back until he's much more intune to visitors.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Happy Holidays
Well, we've had a wild time here and not in the good way.
My brother D3 ended up in the hospital on the 20th with chest pains.
on the 23rd he was taken over to Sacred Heart in Spokane for a triple bypass
he still has a enlarged heart and may need a pacemaker or even a heart transplant sooner or later.
Mom is having problems with her breathing and so am worried about her.
house is nuts anyway since with Christmas decorations and the tree it is even smaller seeming then usual.
I am not a big Christmas tree fan anyway so always glad to get it down.
Did get some nice stuff last night. Got a hotpad,kitchen towel set with cats on them, a neck warmer and little decoration to hang on the wall from a friend and a lighthouse calendar.
have to laugh.. Mom never found a gift for me, K who is D3's wife was planning on getting something this past week but events stopped that, D2 and his wife left their gifts behind in CA. So will get a late christmas that way. lol
But mom made out good. She got a big toaster oven,one of those food storage things that are always advertised on t.v. 2 calendars (is someone trying to tell us something?)actually 1 is a Pomeranian calendar and a Maxine Calendar, A pomeranian watch, a little Maxine statue plant holder thing, a new clock and new car seat covers a new butter dish and a neck warmer.
plus we both got a big box of bread stuff from Wolfermans a mail order place.
one of my niece's A1 and her cousin from her Mom's side are spending the night here. They went to Midnight Mass but didn't get in till 3! of course they are 18 and 19 so can't say much except to give them a bad time. They of course are still sound asleep.
But otherwise how was your holiday?
My brother D3 ended up in the hospital on the 20th with chest pains.
on the 23rd he was taken over to Sacred Heart in Spokane for a triple bypass
he still has a enlarged heart and may need a pacemaker or even a heart transplant sooner or later.
Mom is having problems with her breathing and so am worried about her.
house is nuts anyway since with Christmas decorations and the tree it is even smaller seeming then usual.
I am not a big Christmas tree fan anyway so always glad to get it down.
Did get some nice stuff last night. Got a hotpad,kitchen towel set with cats on them, a neck warmer and little decoration to hang on the wall from a friend and a lighthouse calendar.
have to laugh.. Mom never found a gift for me, K who is D3's wife was planning on getting something this past week but events stopped that, D2 and his wife left their gifts behind in CA. So will get a late christmas that way. lol
But mom made out good. She got a big toaster oven,one of those food storage things that are always advertised on t.v. 2 calendars (is someone trying to tell us something?)actually 1 is a Pomeranian calendar and a Maxine Calendar, A pomeranian watch, a little Maxine statue plant holder thing, a new clock and new car seat covers a new butter dish and a neck warmer.
plus we both got a big box of bread stuff from Wolfermans a mail order place.
one of my niece's A1 and her cousin from her Mom's side are spending the night here. They went to Midnight Mass but didn't get in till 3! of course they are 18 and 19 so can't say much except to give them a bad time. They of course are still sound asleep.
But otherwise how was your holiday?
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
cold cold cold

16 right now outside. It hasn't been above 30 in 2 weeks or more.
but it could be worse. It could be below zero so won't complain too much.
Got more x-mas shopping done. only have Dave and Karen and Robin to finish up. Plus maybe send a card down to Donna.
We've been running the woodstove most everynight and that helps up here but then the kitchen and t.v room don't get much heat.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Just a pic of me throwing a snowball.
looks cold doesn't it.. well it is
Just a pic of me throwing a snowball.
looks cold doesn't it.. well it is
trying this
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Thursday, December 01, 2005
snow day
These are just some of the snow pics I took today.

He wasn't very happy about being put in the snow right then

We got about 5 inches of very powdery snow and more is predicted for tomorrow.
We didn't get hardly any at all last year so really need it.
hard to tell but that is my pathetic attempt at a snowman.(above)
just as I snapped the shot he decided to shake.. the brat. lol

He wasn't very happy about being put in the snow right then

We got about 5 inches of very powdery snow and more is predicted for tomorrow.
We didn't get hardly any at all last year so really need it.